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A typical day at Butterflies

With children every day is different!  I am totally flexible and our activities will depend on which children I have each day and their moods and interests.  Likewise activities will depend
on the weather - if it's pouring with rain we may decide to be inside whereas if it starts
to snow we will abandon everything and will be outside enjoying it!


In general our daily routine looks like...


7.30-8.30 Arrivals and free play

8.30 School/Playgroup runs (The Duchy School/Playgroup)

9.30 Planned activities/outings eg cooking, messy play, art/craft, gardening

10.30 Snack  

10.45 Free play

11.45 Group time eg story, music, singing, dance, yoga

12.15-1.00 Lunch

1.00-2.45 Nap or quiet time

3-3.45 The Duchy School/Pre-school pick up

3.45-5.00 Drink and Snack followed by free play or trip to the park

5.00 onwards Preparing for home-time, quiet play, TV until collection




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